Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Bout's sometone girl

I don't understood bout her life. She's just made mistakes for her family or herself..HUH!! also you know, actually she's kind and friendly but akibat pengaruh di lingkungan, she's be an naughty girl *really shit,DAMN!!. If  me be asa her, gw gamau hurted my family apa lagi she's very beautifull banget :) Unfourtunatly, dia menyia-nyiakan hidupnya dan yeaaah, she's felt false now.. I thinks, she's crazy and liar girl.. Asal dia berubah aja jadi 180 derajat, sure and i trust to you, dia akan menjadi perempuan yang baik dan friendly and also many boys like her so much. Although, her parents is separated but i trust, dia bisa hidup tanpa maslah itu and she can life without her parent's problem now.. But, she's diffcult for be understand girl. She's selfish and yeaaah.. be a naughty girl. WHAT HAPPENNED WITH YOU DARL?
You know, you crazy and you must be know, many people loves you and cares bout you seems like me. Care for you but you don't see that me always care for you.. ga habis pikir gw, lu kaya gitu!! Lu tuh ya cantik tapi sayang sifat lu kaya gitu.. I don't want you be a naughty girl.. Gw akan selalu mengawasi lu, REMEBER FOR THAT'S HONEY!!!!!!!!

2 komentar:

  1. so weird for you now about my sentences :)
    campur aduk inggris-indonesia dan masih kebawa lidah eropa nya.. HUH!!!
